magnifying glass and exterior of home

Radon In Homes – What you Need to Know

Radon – This is a term many homeowners have likely heard but do not necessarily know what it is or how it can harm their family. According to the EPA, radon is the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers in the United States and can be linked to up to 20,000 lung cancer deaths …

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Seller’s Agents: Tips for a Smooth Inspection

Seller’s anxiety associated with the home inspection can be greatly reduced by the cooperative involvement of the Seller’s Agent. Here are our top recommendations to ensure a smooth and successful inspection experience for all parties: Provide the inspector with the proper access code for any lockbox. Make sure that the code operates properly by testing …

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gentleman holding up magnify glass up in the living room

6 Questions to Ask Your Potential Home Inspector

Whether you are buying or selling, having an inspection is the first step to understanding the condition of any residential or commercial space. This information can influence whether you make an offer or how high or low you set the properties price. Inspections can also point out safety hazards and other concerns. That is why …

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magnifying glass and exterior of home

Radon: The Houseguest No One Wants to Have

In the Winter, we often spend more time indoors with friends and family.  Unfortunately, there could be an unwanted guest in the room: radon.  Recently, January was declared National Radon Awareness Month by the US Surgeon General, in partnership with The American Lung Association, Centers for Disease Control and National Cancer Institute and the Environmental …

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