3 Tips to Save Money on Heating Prices

Homeowner saving money on heating prices.As the temperatures drop this winter, your heating prices are bound to rise. The good news is that they don’t have to! Check out these 3 tips for saving money on heating costs this winter.

Seal Off Areas of Your Home

A great way to lower heating costs this winter is to eliminate using certain areas of your home and seal the windows in those rooms. If you have spare bedrooms, a basement, storage units, extra bathrooms, or other spaces that go unused for an extended period of time, simply close the vent in the room and shut the door. Paying to heat those unused spaces is the same as throwing money away. Also, seal off large windows or windows that have air leaks. Use window insulation film to create a barrier between the cold window and your heat. Adding heavy curtains over the window can also help to keep warm air in and cold air out, plus this will help you keep your heating costs nice and low!

Keep Insulation Up-to-Date

Poor insulation is another example of throwing away both heat and money. You wouldn’t wear a thin, non-insulated windbreaker in the middle of winter, so why would you suffer through the winter with poor insulation in your home? Updating the insulation in your walls or attic can make a huge difference in staying warm through a long, cold winter!

Turn Down the Thermostat

We get it. When the outdoor temps drop, it’s easy to get carried away and crank up the thermostat. Generally, most of us feel comfortable with an indoor temperature between 68–74 degrees, so most people tend to set their thermostat around 70 degrees year round. By dropping your thermostat just 2 degrees to 68 degrees, you will notice substantial savings on your heating bill. The exact savings will depend on the efficiency of your heating system coupled with the two energy saving tips we listed above.

Don’t let heating prices put a major dent in your bank account this winter. With these 3 tips, you can stay warm while keeping your checkbook happy. Another step you can take is to get an infrared inspection from Inspect-It 1st®. Our screenings will give you an idea of where heat may be escaping from your home. Remember, heat loss results in higher heating bills. Get in touch with Inspect-It 1st® today!

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