Infrared Thermography

Infrared cameras capture temperature readings that Inspect-It 1st Cincinnati‘s inspectors interpret through qualitative analysis to determine if a home or building has concerns that should be further evaluated by a specialist. If a concern does exist, this advanced technology can also help pinpoint the source so repairs can be made accurately and swiftly.

When used during a home inspection, infrared technology can provide additional information about:

  • Heating and air conditioning systems
  • Pool heating and plumbing leaks
  • Plumbing systems
  • Roof and building envelope integrity
  • Air distribution performance

While infrared is certainly a highly advanced diagnostic tool, it is not “X-ray vision” as some might think. A home inspector still cannot “see through walls” or predict future conditions. Additionally, an infrared camera is not a “point and shoot” piece of equipment. It takes a highly skilled home inspector, like the team members of Inspect-It 1st Cincinnati, who are also trained in infrared science to accurately interpret the infrared imagery.

Inspect-It 1st is a home inspection company with certified home inspectors from coast-to-coast. Our home inspection services help buyers and sellers make smart property investment decisions. “Before you Buy or Sell, Inspect-It 1st!”  Privacy Policy | Terms of Service | Accessibility Statement